Your adventure awaits!

Experience life at it's simplest, share with local inhabitants, explore the other frontier, enjoy the beauty and mysteries of our jungle


Selvadentro's origins lie deep within the Venezuelan Amazon region through experiences at the rivers, jungles and through good relations with different indigenous groups. Selvadentro Expeditions invites you to live the most wonderful experience where pleasure, culture and adventure are combined for the enjoyment of your leisure time in a safe manner.

We offer our experiences to enjoy in a truly natural environment, where you can have an amazing adventure and explore untouched dimensions in harmony with the environment. Our services will let you enjoy the beaches, rivers, rapids and tepuyes scattered all along the Venezuelan Amazon. Come aboard our typical amazon vessels which harmonize with the region's traditional transportation means. At Selvadentro we live Amazon's ecotourism at it's best, promoting environment conservation and sharing with the dwellers of this gorgeous region.


Selvadentro's guides belong to the indigenous groups of the zones where the expeditions take place. They are knowledgeable, friendly and know the region like the palm of their hands. Moreover, our cooks combine regional and fresh local ingredients with creative cookery to offer you exquisite dining all along the voyage, allowing for the enjoyment of local produce combined with good taste.

Our People

Sleeping Quarters


Selvadentro provides diverse sleeping arrangements depending upon the place visited. Overnights in hammocks at churuatas and caneyes (traditional indigenous dwellings made with local materials, roofed with palm thatch) alternate with the more adventurous camping in the jungle or romantic nights in hammocks or tents at the river's beach.

For those travelers who want to experience the life of the crew, there is the option to accommodate in hammocks in the vessel. Expeditionaries feeling in the mood to practice their outdoors skills are always encouraged, if they want to, to participate in the making of a campsite. Our crew will always gladly arrange it. In Puerto Ayacucho, the traveler can sleep at a hotel or in Selvadentro's Carinagua Camp, also in hammocks.


Expediciones Selvadentro invites you to enjoy an adventure on board Iguana, traditional vessel designed exclusively for Amazonian navigation. Features Cabins with fans - no air conditioning for eight (8) people. Two (2) bathrooms to share, kitchen, HF radio communication and solarium where you can hang hammocks and appreciate the gorgeous views all around us. Canoes with and without outboard motors. 12 V and 110 V. 60Hz outlets.


Your equipment, pack lightly!

Light clothing, long sleeved
Bathing suit
Bug repellent
Anorak, jacket or poncho


Custom made expeditions,
such as:

Sport fishing
Cerro la Neblina and more...


Big Wave Productions, Great Britain
Wild Track Productions, Venezuela
National Geographic Television
Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc., Japan
Televicentro de Puerto Rico
Discovery Channel
Hot Spot Films, Egypt
Asahi TV, Japan
Kawasemi Tv, Japan


Send us a message to receive more information.
+58 2485213367